In addition to hunting suitable talents, we are dedicated to find, train and retain existing talents in GIGABYTE. With the “Upgrade Your Life” as our operating philosophy, we emphasize the management strategy of “humanism” and provide employees with safe and healthy working environment, an incentive pay system, various welfare measures, and a complete functional training system. We also take care of the family members of every employee and act as the powerful backing of all the employees. The support of the employees to the Company is ensured through social activities as well as intellectual lectures and seminars on humanities and cultures. We actively create an organization full of energy and a friendly workplace, and formulate a blueprint of happy workplace for GIGABYTE to a great extent at which every GIGABYTE folk can proudly say “GIGABYTE is my home!” More
GIGABYTE Talent Management Vision and Strategy

Protection of Human Rights and Equality

Equity in Recruitment
When recruiting employees, we take competence and core function as the focus of the selection and treat all the candidates equally without prejudice against the age, sex, race, religion, nationality, political party, birthplace, sexual orientation, marriage, appearance, or disability. Different recruitment channels are applied to employ and select suitable talents in a fair and open manner. We also protect the right to work of the disadvantaged and promote more working opportunities to disability, people at middle or advanced age, unemployed and aborigines than required.By the end of 2019, GIGABYTE locations in Taiwan and at G-Style employed a total of 30 handicapped people, exceeding the statutory quota (1% of the total number of employees) set under the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act.

Human Rights
GIGABYTE believes that every employee should be treated fairly and with respect. We strive to uphold and foster respect for fundamental human rights, including the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We do not tolerate discrimination, abuse or illegal employment. We also commit to following local laws and the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct (EICC) to the highest ethical standards. At the same time, we also expect our suppliers and contractors to follow the relevant policies, including conflict-free minerals policy, to treat employees and workers fairly and with respect, and to take full responsibility for manufacturing processes and the environment.

GIGABYTE treats all employees fairly. There is no discrimination or special treatment on the basis of race, gender, color, sexual preference, language, religion, political affiliation, place of birth, nationality, physical/mental disability, or marital status. Except where it is justified by the nature of the work to be performed, employees will not be treated differently on the basis of gender or sexual preference during recruiting, selection, employment, assignment, allocation, performance evaluation, promotions and transfers. Moreover, all forms of discrimination or harassment (including sexual harassment as defined by the Gender Equality in Employment Act) against other employees are strictly prohibited at work.

Prohibition against Child Labor
GIGABYTE fully complies with the requirements of the Labor Standard Act and do not hire the person under 15. No hard or dangerous work is assigned to the child labor over 15 and under 16. Applications are always screened by Human Resources upon receipt to ensure that workers under the age of 16 are never hired.

Compensation, Incentive, and Leave Schemes

Remuneration Scheme
GIGABYTE respects talent and gives a share in the profits. A competitive salary structure and an employee profit-sharing scheme are used to retain talented personnel. Our salary scales are based on statutory requirements, economic conditions, market rates and company finances. To ensure the soundness of our compensation system, GIGABYTE conducts regular market surveys and policy reviews. These together with the performance evaluation system provide a basis for deciding employees’ starting salaries, salary adjustments, promotions and bonuses.

Incentives to Encourage Employee Innovation and Growth
GIGABYTE uses a variety of internal incentive programs to recognize outstanding teams and employees for their contributions in different fields. Employees are therefore encouraged to boost the company and their own competitiveness through innovation and growth.

• Long service awards and retirement gifts are provided to thank veteran employees for their long-term contributions. In 2019, 12 employees retired from GIGABYTE. Their average service was more than 19 years.In addition, 343 employees were awarded meritorious service awards for serving for more than 5 years in the company.
• The patent award was presented to 121 employees in 2019 to thank them for their unique, novel and practical proposals.
• Incentive bonuses are awarded for breath-taking designs, innovative R&D, or tangible contributions to product selection.

Leave System
GIGABYTE provides employees with all statutory leave types including personal leave and special leave. There are also business leave and business travel leave. Female and pregnant employees are offered menstruation leave, tocolysis leave, pregnancy checkup leave, paternity leave, and maternity leave if necessary in accordance with the Act of Gender Equality in Employment. These ensure that employees can manage their personal affairs, fulfill their family obligations, and maintain their work-life balance. Overtime can also be converted into additional rest days on a 1:1 ratio. Financial compensation is paid for any accrued leave that expires.

Better than statutory leave scheme: In addition to the basic leave types, make-up days for national holidays that fall on a weekend are waived by GIGABYTE. Maintaining the stability of weekly work hours ensures that employees get adequate time off.

Career Development and Learning
Competency is critical to success. Employee learning and development is valued at GIGABYTE. GIGABYTE has set up a training and development program based on core and management skills to offer employees courses in competency development, professional skills and general skills. These are supplemented by subsidies for optional external training and language classes to ensure that employees receive full company support in self-development. Mandatory courses cover 6 key areas, namely “Quality Awareness”, “Brand and CI”, “Supply Chain Safety Policy”, “Information Safety Management Policy”, “Labor Health and Safety Education and Training”, and “Sustainable Development Strategy and Practices”.

• Recruit Training: Help new employees become part of the GIGABYTE family as soon as possible.
• Management Skills Training: Classes are provided for managers of each level to improve their management skills.
• Core Competency Training: Cultivate employees with the required general skills and consensus.
• Language Training: Subsidies for language classes to develop the skills of global awareness and intercultural understanding.
• External Training: Subsidies for external training courses to acquire the latest industry know-how and techniques.
• E-Learning: Free to choose any course without time or space constraints.
• Library: A diverse collection of books is offered.

Occupational Safety and Health Management
We take the “elimination of hazards, zero disaster in the plant, and promotion of labor safety and health” as the important ESH management goals in each plant. We systematically promote occupational safety management pursuant to the ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System and various labor safety and health regulations. The actions include regular meetings of the Occupational Safety and Health Committee, physical examination, working environment monitoring, safety and health education and training, 5S audit and follow-up and emergency response exercises. We also built an accident reporting system and establish the safety and health rules of work to ensure the workplace safety and the physical and mental health of the employees. An “Occupational Safety and Health Committee” is set up in each plant in which more than one third of the employees participate in the Committee. Meetings are routinely held to review, coordinate and make recommendations on safety and health matters.

GIGABYTE Safety and Health Management Strategy

Safety and Health Risk Control
Risk identification is conducted for important environmental safety and health issues every year. The equipment with high risk and extension cords were identified as important environment and safety control items in 2017. Hence, in addition to the traditional working environment monitoring items (carbon dioxide, illuminance, tin, isopropanol, noise) and the self-monitoring of environmental radiation concentration, we have implemented the temperature control plan for high-risk equipment since 2017. A precise infrared device was used to measure and monitor the temperature change of the machine on a quarterly basis. When any significant abnormal temperature change was identified, the using unit and its head were informed immediately to make reexamination and improvement. A safety risk control plan was made for the extension cord. It was used to conduct overall inspection and eliminate the extension cord that has been used for a long period of time and not complied with safety regulations. The preventive measures are implemented appropriately by doing so. In addition, for key risk items, we conduct monthly 5S audit and follow-up tracking in order to enhance employees’ awareness of the safety of work environment.

Abnormal Workload and Ergonomic Hazards Prevention Plan
Musculoskeletal injury, work fatigue or any other related disease usually occurs due to heavy stress, maintenance of poor posture for a long time, bad habits or the specific task performed. In order to effectively keep track of the health conditions of our employees and prevent diseases, we have design“ Diseases Caused by Abnormal Workload Prevention Plan” and “Ergonomic Hazards Prevention Plan”. We also ensure the physical and mental health of our employees through annual health exam, identification of occupational and physical and mental health risks, disease propaganda and fitness assessment.

Emergency Response Exercise and Safety and Health Educational Training
Effective prevention of industrial safety and health accidents, emergency responses and fire safety related measures depends on the comprehension of and alert to such accidents among the employees. To ensure that employees can respond to emergency incidents brought about by the human or nature, each plant executes emergency response exercises based on their major operation items, such as the emergency fire drills held every six months, the exercise of emergency response to chemical spills every year, and the annual educational training on occupational safety and health to ensure that the employees are familiar with the emergency response procedures and measures of related incidents. To enhance the alert of the employees to related incidents and review the appropriateness of the response procedure, a fire protection exercise was held without advanced warning at the Headquarters every year. After the exercise, fire protection grouping as well as rearrangement and improvement of response measures at lower levels were conducted. The purpose of these activities was to eliminate avoidable risks before emergencies occur and to build a truly safe and healthy working environment through establishing a holistic safety protection through appropriate and systematical overall plans.
Evacuation exercise without early warning at the Headquarters   Tin furnace rescue exercise at Nanping Plant
Special equipment response exercise at Ningbo Plant   Chemical spills response exercise at Dongguan Plant

Building a Gender-friendly Environment
To create a friendly working environment for our female employees, we have designed plans for protection of mother’s health at the workplace. Through constructing nursery rooms, function risk analysis for female employees and physical and mental health assessment during pregnancy, we aim to build a work environment that female employees can work without burden and keep physical and mental health.

Physical and Mental Healthcare for Employee
Corporate sustainability inevitably requires a company to protect the physical and mental health of its employees to maintain business productivity. In addition to providing a safe working environment, we actively formulate visionary plans for health and prevention. We implement a variety of health care measures, design mother-friendly space, organize health promotion events and offer assistance to our employees. All these are done to realize the goal of a happy workplace.

Employee Health Exam
A happy company is built on the basis of healthy employees. Health examination protects the rights of employers and employees and is also used to understand any occupational or contagious disease of employees. It serves as a vital basis for understanding the health conditions of employees. Stringent health examination is performed in a way suitable for our employees in accordance with their ages. Every year, health examination is performed at the plants in cooperation with large hospitals. Our employees can therefore enjoy instant and comprehensive services of health examination at the company without having to travel a long distance or request additional leave. During annual health examination, our employees are encouraged to fill out the “Over fatigued Assessment Questionnaire” in order to identify high-risk groups and protect our employees from diseases resulting from abnormal conditions including working long hours. This enables the company to actively intervene for over fatigued prevention and stress management. To stay healthy, our employees may also search online for their history of health examination and acquire all kinds of health information through the monthly consultation service provided by doctors for free at the plants.

Promotion of a Healthy Life
Our employees can stay healthy only with correct concepts of health care and hygiene. We hold health seminars on an irregular basis by inviting health experts to give lectures at the company. The aim is to disseminate correct concepts of health to our employees. We also distribute information on health care to remind our employees of its importance in their daily lives. Furthermore, to make it convenient for our employees to undergo health examination, we organize disease prevention events in cooperation with nearby hospitals and health centers to help our employees pay attention to their health as early as possible.

Health Promotion Events in Recent Years
Type Theme Title/Content

Health Seminar
General health care/life knowledge
  • Is my red letter serious? Read the medical report
  • Are you sitting correctly? Treat muscular pains by yourself
  • Less pressure and sleep better
  • The splendid time exclusively for middle-aged - learn to live with diseases
  • Understand the most common cancers among women
  • Keep away from muscular soreness
  • Secrets to Beauty: Skin and Health Care
  • Are You Killing Yourself Slowly?
  • Reading Your Health Horoscope
  • Cozy Smelling, Easy Healing
  • Good Look, Good Luck: Color Cosmetics and Skin Care
  • A New Life Without Diabetes
  • Flu Prevention in Winter
  • Stand and Walk in the Right Way! No More Physical Pains
  • Must-knows about Health Care, Long-term Care, Finance and Laws If Your Parents are Over 65
  • Stretching and Relaxing in the Office
Dietary health
  • Eat healthier rather than eat more.
  • Healthy diet
  • Safe Shopping: Food Safety at Hypermarkets/Supermarkets
  • Eating healthy to Lose Weight and Build Muscle
Exercise and health
  • Victory after living with exercise - my working competitiveness
  • Tips for weight control
  • Myths about Exercise and Eating
  • Get Strong in 1 Minute: Workplace Fitness
  • Resistance is Strength
  • Are you Exercising the Right Way?

Health promotion
Disease prevention
  • Flu vaccine
  • Suspected tuberculosis epidemic prevention
  • Four cancers screening
  • Awareness and Prevention of Dementia
  • Bone density and body fat testing
  • Fecal Occult Blood Test
  • Medication-use Safety
Workplace health
  • Prevention of Diseases Caused by Abnormal Workload
  • Protection of Mother’s Health in the Workplace
Women’s care
  • Cervical Screening Through Papanicolaou Test
  • Breast Ultrasound and Mammography
Physical fitness
  • Physical fitness activities
  • Go on a diet healthily, enjoy slimming- weight control activity
  • Health Care Consultation in Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • Burn Fat and Send Love to Children – a Weight Loss and Charity Activity
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
GIGABYTE cares about the physical and mental well-being of every employee. We believe that a business should not only provide employees with a safe, healthy and comfortable workplace, but also treat every employee like a family member in providing active caring and assistance. In 2015, GIGABYTE launched the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) to provide an integrated approach to help employees cope with personal, family, lifestyle or work pressures. We hope proactive caring and timely assistance will help employees welcome every new day, think in a positive manner, and confront the source of their stress. This will help them maintain their productivity and quality.

GIGABYTE EAP currently provides psychological counseling, legal affairs, financial planning, taxation, and health services. An “Employee Care Platform” has also been set up to provide secure and trusted integrated physical/virtual services such as sharing of online articles, Q&A and online psychology tests. In addition to providing services through the online platform, EAP actively sends articles with regard to management, laws, parent-child communication, and stress relief, and holds annual seminars to provide more complete and solid assistance.

2016 EAP Seminar
·  Topic:
·  Lecturer:
Transportation and Marriage
2017 EAP Seminar
·  Topic:
·  Lecturer:
Parent-child Relationship
Prof. Daisy L. Hung of National Central University
2018 EAP Seminar
·  Topic:
·  Lecturer:
Self-stress Management
Focus & Forecast Consultant Company
2019 EAP Seminar
·  Topic:

·  Lecturer:
Build a Friendly and Unobstructed
Workplace –Talking About Illegal Infringement
Focus & Forecast Consultant Company

Employees are one of GIGABYTE’s key stakeholders. Apart from providing employees with comprehensive compensation and benefits through stable growth and profits, we also strive to provide a safe, high-quality workplace as well as a range of lifestyle services and activities. These help boost employee productivity and loyalty as well as building a friendly and happy work environment.

Work-Life Balance
GIGABYTE sets up the ”GIGABYTE Joint Employee Welfare Committee”(hereinafter refer to as “the Committee") under the "Employee Welfare Funds Act". It mainly provides various welfares to our employees, including Dragon Boat Festival/Mid-Autumn Festival/Birthday rewards, and applications of marriage/ maternity/ children education/club/travel subsidies. It also organizes regular staff activities, such as: family days, free movie shows, running events and year-end event and lottery. We encourage club activities and group purchase of leisure and entertainment tickets in order to help employees to relieve and reach work-life balance.
Strengthening Commitment and Cohesion of Our Employees
To enhance the commitment of our employees to the company and strengthen the idea of teamwork among them, we organize a variety of events every year for our employees to increase their sense of participation and offer more opportunities for interaction and development of the spirit of teamwork. Our employees are encouraged to participate in the events together with their families, who may also identify with our company and become the strongest supporters of our employees.
Taiwan bases      
  2019 GIGABYTE Family Day
– Love Picnic
  Softball Tournament   2019 GIGABYTE Gaming Contest
Overseas bases      
  51 Spots Day   Family Event – Trip to Amusement
Park Together
  Factory Talent Contest
Cultivation of the Minds with Arts and Culture
GIGABYTE Headquarters has also used office building space to set up an art gallery with rotating exhibits. A variety of celebrity, music, art and health seminars are also held at different times to beautify the hearts and minds of our employees. Employees are regularly encouraged to buy and participate in art and cultural activities. This provides performing arts group with tangible support through ticket sales. The increase in recreational options and quality for employees enhances their cultural sophistication and helps cultivate corporate culture that is interested in the humanities.

Art and Cultural Events in Recent Years
Type Topic Speaker

Art Seminar
Sharing of Mr. eye ball’s artistic creation in India Mr. eye ball
Into the aesthetic world of calligraphy art Prof. Long-Dar Lin Department of Painting and Calligraphy Arts, National Taiwan University of Arts
Whimsical world of tea cat Illustrator Ann
Circus from Taiwan Leader Zhiwei Lin Formosa Circus Arts
Starting Out from 23.5°N General Manager Mr. Huai-an He CHENG PO Art & Culture
Uncover the Secrets of the Paintings of Chan Yu-Fan Gary Lee, Director, Cloud Gallery
Taipei Arts Festival: City and Its Future Yi-Wei Keng, Art Director Curator of Taipei Arts Festival
Percussion: New Power for Your Life Dr. Huan-Wei Lu, Taipei National University of the Arts
Expression Skills in Theatrical Performance Mr. Chia-Feng Lin, Founder of Story Works
Follow My Tempo: Make the Music You Like Ms. Han-Chih Tai, Ju Percussion Group
Photography in the Eyes of Alan Alan, Photographer
NSO: Classical Music for Beginners Pokey Lin, Director, Jingo International Records
Suming Concert “I Want To Dream” Totem, Echo G.S., and Guitarists
Let’s Travel with Chamber Music! Pokey Lin, Music Director of Jingo Records
Global Watercolor Road of Chung-Wei Chien Chung-Wei Chien, Director of Chinese Asia-Pacific Watercolor Association
Inspiration and Creation of En-Sheng Yang En-Sheng Yang, Founder and CEO of Ark Eco Art
The Happiness at the Tip of Painting Brush, the Art that Erases Physical and Mental Suffering Dr. Li-Pin Tsai, President of Prader-Willi Syndrome Association, and Yi-He Su (Prader-Willi Patient)
Life Seminar KAVALAN Tasting Event Wenyu Wang
Sustainable fish culture Associate Prof. Chi-Yang Huang Department Aquaculture, Nation Taiwan ocean University
Let’s Sow the Seeds of Reading: A Bright Future for Our Children Tang Lee, Chief Editor, Global Kids
Afternoon Tea in Africa: A Heartwarming Encounter Wen-Chen Chou, CEO, Bjørgaas Social Welfare Foundation
Follow Alana to Taiwan Ms. Alana, Presenter of “Follow Alana to Taiwan”
Let Life Bloom Chen Damou, Chairman of Taiwan Motor Neuron Disease Association
An Alternative Way of Wealth Deposit: Time Banking Chien-Ju Lin, General Manager of Time Banking Cloud Service
The Lesson Trees Give Us: Concepts of Old Tree Conservation Dong-Chi Liu, Co-founder of Taiwan Old Tree Rescue Association
Arts journey “Plum Month” in Sanxia Li Mei-shu Memorial Gallery
One-day cultural tour to The One The One- Land of retreat and wellness
Open the door of the concert hall National Theater and Concert Hall, Taipei
Close to you festival Tamsui、Daqiaotou、Guting
Maestro Series - Organized Rhythm: The Thriller in the Night National Theater & Concert Hall
Gallery Exhibition Boundless Dawn- Solo Exhibition Mr. Qiang Xu Chen
Heterogeneous Scene - oil painting exhibition Mr. Shu-Chi Chu
"Digital Island - Good Morning Taiwan" Photography Exhibition Academia Sinica Center for Digital Culture
Chengbo Chen painting exhibition
Whimsical world of tea cat Illustrator Ann
Landscape | Nature | Chen Jiuxi’s Ecological Paintings Mr. Chen Jiuxi
Capture the Wind and Shadow Mr. Wen-Te Yang
Watercolor Art: Artistic Conception Mr. Chung-Wei Chien
Painting with Love, Life without Barrier Mr. Yi-He Su (Prader-Willi Patient)
Merging the Past into the Present (Global Limited Silkscreen Printings) Mr. Yu-Fan Zhan
Multi-Community Fabulous Daily Life
To encourage colleagues to develop their interest in their spare time, the Employee Welfare Committee has defined rules for club organization. Funds are allocated to encourage employees to form and join clubs. Employees therefore enjoy freedom of association. GIGABYTE has established several clubs at its main operating sites, such Badminton Club, Baby Love Club, Go Green Club (Volunteering Club), Boxercise Club, Triathlon Club, Body Sculpting Aerobics Exercise Club, Softball Club, and Basketball Club. Clubs formed by employees at the Dongguan and Ningbo plants in China currently include the Cycling Club, Basketball Club and Soccer Club. These provide employees with more diverse hobbies to cultivate. The clubs also form teams to take part in outside competitions. So that employees can enjoy the colorful daily life in their spare time.

Softball Club Badminton Club
Hatha Yoga Club Body Sculpting Aerobics Exercise Club