High Availability | 高可用性

  • What is it?
    Availability is a self-evident concept that is sadly often overlooked by IT managers. Simply put, the equipment in your server room or data center must be online and accessible as much as possible. High availability (HA), then, is a technical term used to describe systems that offer more uptime (or less downtime) than the industry average. High availability is becoming the standard requirement for IT equipment in the digital age, when just about everything is connected to the internet or the IoT.

    Availability should factor in the initial planning and budgeting stage. It is often necessary to buy redundant subsystems and components to mitigate risk and minimize downtime, even if it will run up expenses. Single points of failure (SPOF) must be eliminated. You also need to prepare a business continuity plan (BCP) for major outages; the BCP should cover how operations can continue during an outage, how normal operations can resume as soon as possible (sometimes called a disaster recovery plan, DRP), and how business will be affected as a result of the outage (sometimes called a business impact analysis, BIA).

  • Why do you need it?
    Since so much of modern life is connected to the IoT, IT equipment should be designed for high availability. In the case of cloud computing, cloud service providers (CSPs) should ensure their services are always available. For important research projects, equipment availability may be the key to achieving world-first scientific breakthroughs. And in the future, when smart city solutions like autonomous vehicles hit the streets, high availability will be necessary to help keep the smart world of the future running along smoothly.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    GIGABYTE's server solutions offer these features to ensure high availability:

    a. Smart Crises Management and Protection (SCMP): SCMP is a GIGABYTE-patented feature that is deployed in servers with non-fully redundant PSU designs. With SCMP, in the event of a faulty PSU or the system overheating, the system will force the CPU to go into ultra-low power mode, which reduces the power load and prevents the system from unexpected shutdowns.

    b. Smart Ride Through (SmaRT): To prevent server downtime and data loss as a result of power loss, GIGABYTE has implemented SmaRT in all the server platforms. When a power loss event occurs, the system will throttle while maintaining availability and reducing power load. Capacitors within the power supply can provide power for ten to twenty milliseconds, which is enough time to transition to a backup power source for continued operation.

    c. Dual ROM Architecture: In case the ROM that stores the BMC and BIOS fails to boot, the system will reboot with the backup BMC and/or BIOS. Once the primary BMC is updated, the ROM of the backup BMC will automatically update the backup through synchronization. For the BIOS, it can be updated based on user's choice of firmware version.


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    AI & AIoT


    若您從事汽車與運輸業,請花幾分鐘閱讀本篇文章,了解人工智慧(AI)所開拓的嶄新機會,認識能助您拓展更多可能性與商機的科技工具。本篇是技嘉科技「Power of AI」系列文章,目的是介紹不同產業的AI趨勢,協助具有先見之明的前瞻者利用AI創造自己的機會。
    矽谷CSP公司Sushi Cloud攜手技嘉科技 推出Bare-metal「裸機」雲端服務

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    矽谷CSP公司Sushi Cloud攜手技嘉科技 推出Bare-metal「裸機」雲端服務

    矽谷CSP公司Sushi Cloud開發bare-metal「裸機」雲端服務,不同於其他公有雲服務,裸機方案讓終端用戶能獨自使用「單租戶」的雲端服務,不需要和其他用戶分享運算資源,所帶來的好處除了運算力,還有靈活度與可靠性的大幅提升。Sushi Cloud購買技嘉科技R152-Z30機架式伺服器,讓客人能享受AMD EPYC™處理器的超強效能,大容量記憶體和硬碟,及相容性超高的作業系統和軟體生態系統,此外還有技嘉專屬的高可用性設計:「智慧型危機管理與防護」、「雙唯讀記憶體架構」以及遠端管理功能:「技嘉管理控制台」、「技嘉伺服器管理套件」。
    技嘉藉由單相浸沒式液冷技術 助力日本電信龍頭KDDI開發新世代資料中心

    Success Case

    技嘉藉由單相浸沒式液冷技術 助力日本電信龍頭KDDI開發新世代資料中心

    日本電信業界龍頭KDDI,因應新世代需求,積極研發對環境友善、便於移動的「貨櫃型浸沒式液冷小型資料中心」,此資料中心採用「單相浸沒式液冷」技術,可減少43%的總耗能,並將PUE改善至1.07以下。技嘉科技於浸沒式液冷解決方案擁有豐富的研發與部署經驗,提供機架式伺服器R282-Z93與R182-Z91,肩負資料中心管理節點和GPU運算節點的任務。技嘉伺服器的強項,是在有限空間內部署高密度、高擴充性的處理器配置,其優異的機構設計,能發揮第三代AMD EPYC™中央處理器及NVIDIA® GPU加速器的最大運算力。協助客戶開發「浸沒式液冷資料中心」,亦是技嘉深耕環境、社會與治理的ESG長期努力目標,技嘉攜手產業夥伴和客戶,積極實踐「創新科技,美化人生」的企業使命。
    CSR、ESG實踐案例:技嘉助攻成功大學 勇奪亞太HPC-AI電腦競賽冠軍

    Success Case

    CSR、ESG實踐案例:技嘉助攻成功大學 勇奪亞太HPC-AI電腦競賽冠軍


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    伺服器處理器(Server CPU)如何運作?與一般電腦的處理器有什麼不同?不同的Server CPU如何影響您的伺服器?技嘉科技為伺服器與尖端科技解決方案的知名品牌,發表本篇《科技指南》,目的是介紹伺服器處理器的基本知識與原理,比較不同處理器的優勢與差異,並且協助您選擇合適的技嘉科技伺服器產品,讓您在了解伺服器處理器之餘,更能清晰掌握自我需求,獲得最理想的伺服器解決方案。