Big Data | 大數據

  • What is it?
    Big Data describes the large volume of data – both structured, semi-structured and unstructured – that is collected by a business on a daily basis. This data can be generated by both humans (such as a customer's financial transactions), as well as by machines and processes (such as sensor readings and event logs). By its nature, the amount of Big Data is often massive – ranging from terabytes, petabytes and even exabytes of data captured over time.

  • Why you need it? Who needs it?
    The importance of Big Data doesn't revolve around how much you have, but what you do with it – the vast pool of data has an enormous potential to be analyzed for insights leading to better business decisions, which include enabling cost reductions, time reductions, new product development, and smart strategic decision making. Examples could include:

    • Determining root causes of failures, issues and defects in near-real time.
    • Generating coupons at the point of sale based on the customer's buying habits.
    • Recalculating entire risk portfolios in minutes.
    • Detecting fraudulent behavior in real time based on financial transactions.

    Organizations that can benefit from the collection and analytics of Big Data include those in banking, education, government, health care, manufacturing and retail industries.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    GIGABYTE has a large variety of server solutions that provide the back-end server infrastructure needed to both store and analyze your organization's Big Data.

    GIGABYTE's S-Series Storage Servers provide dense 3.5" HDD capacity to provide petabyte scale storage for your raw data, both as bare metal hardware combined with your software of choice or as an integrated software defined storage appliance with BigTera VirtualStor.

    In addition, GIGABYTE's R-Series Rack Servers and H-Series High Density Server provide a range of systems with powerful compute and hot-storage capabilities to analyze and process this data for generating intelligent business insights.

    GIGABYTE堅實助力 捷克最大搜尋引擎事業蓬勃發展

    Success Case

    GIGABYTE堅實助力 捷克最大搜尋引擎事業蓬勃發展


    AI & AIoT


    從事醫療與健康產業的讀者,請花幾分鐘閱讀本篇文章,了解人工智慧(AI)為這個領域所帶來的嶄新商機,並認識能助您從中受益的AI工具。本篇是技嘉科技「Power of AI」系列文章,目的是介紹不同產業的最新AI趨勢,鼓勵前瞻者把握AI浪潮,找尋自己的機會。

    Tech Guide



    AI & AIoT



    AI & AIoT


    若您從事汽車與運輸業,請花幾分鐘閱讀本篇文章,了解人工智慧(AI)所開拓的嶄新機會,認識能助您拓展更多可能性與商機的科技工具。本篇是技嘉科技「Power of AI」系列文章,目的是介紹不同產業的AI趨勢,協助具有先見之明的前瞻者利用AI創造自己的機會。
    技嘉伺服器算力爆發 助西班牙胡安卡洛斯國王大學抗老研究

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    技嘉伺服器算力爆發 助西班牙胡安卡洛斯國王大學抗老研究

    想高效且精準地處理龐大的數據,需要強大的平行運算能力。胡安卡洛斯國王大學的研究人員Sergio Muñoz、Luis Bote與SIE和技嘉合作,創建了一個由GPU、儲存、運算和首節點組成的叢集系統。

    Tech Guide


    生成式人工智慧(generative AI)來勢洶洶,實用案例包括聊天機器人ChatGPT能撰寫文案與企劃案、Stable Diffusion等圖像生成工具能依指令產出栩栩如生的影像。事實上,想搞懂生成式AI不難,使用它比想像中還容易。技嘉科技在本篇《科技指南》中,為您解剖生成式AI背後「訓練」與「推論」兩個重要步驟,並為您推薦專為人工智慧開發所設計的技嘉解決方案,協助您成為AI世代的佼佼者。
    技嘉PILOT自動駕駛控制主機 開啟台灣自駕公車的AI科技之旅

    Success Case

    技嘉PILOT自動駕駛控制主機 開啟台灣自駕公車的AI科技之旅

    由財團法人車輛研究測試中心ARTC打造的MIT自駕電動小型巴士WinBus,是台灣首輛實現SAE Level 4高度自動駕駛技術的無人駕駛公車。WinBus的控制主機是GIGABYTE PILOT,這是技嘉科技專為次世代自動駕駛車輛設計的車載決策控制平台,三大特色包括:大幅提升AI演算性能的高效處理器組合,支援高速介面與各式車用裝置的超強連接性,及能承受不同天氣與道路狀況的強固型設計。技嘉PILOT自動駕駛控制主機(ADCU)不僅適用於自駕車,也可提供自駕船、自駕卡車、無人農耕機及自主移動機器人(AMR)等領域的自駕任務所運用。