How to Pick a Cooling Solution for Your Servers? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

Tech Guide

How to Pick a Cooling Solution for Your Servers? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

As CPUs and GPUs continue to advance, they consume more power and generate more heat. It is vital to keep temperature control in mind when purchasing servers. A good cooling solution keeps things running smoothly without hiking up the energy bill or requiring persistent maintenance. GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance servers, presents this Tech Guide to help you choose a suitable cooling solution. We analyze three popular options—air, liquid, immersion—and demonstrate what GIGABYTE can do for you.
To Harness Generative AI, You Must Learn About “Training” & “Inference”

Tech Guide

To Harness Generative AI, You Must Learn About “Training” & “Inference”

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must be familiar with the “magic” of generative AI: how chatbots like ChatGPT can compose anything from love letters to sonnets, and how text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion can render art based on text prompts. The truth is, generative AI is not only easy to make sense of, but also a cinch to work with. In our latest Tech Guide, we dissect the “training” and “inference” processes behind generative AI, and we recommend total solutions from GIGABYTE Technology that’ll enable you to harness its full potential.
Global Autonomous Vehicle Boom: Core Knowledge You Should Never Ignore

Tech Guide

Global Autonomous Vehicle Boom: Core Knowledge You Should Never Ignore

Data Center Cooling: The Key to Green Computing and a Low-Carbon Transition

Tech Guide

Data Center Cooling: The Key to Green Computing and a Low-Carbon Transition

CPU vs. GPU: Which Processor is Right for You?

Tech Guide

CPU vs. GPU: Which Processor is Right for You?

Besides the central processing unit (CPU), the graphics processing unit (GPU) is also an important part of a high-performing server. Do you know how a GPU works and how it is different from a CPU? Do you know the best way to make them work together to deliver unrivalled processing power? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in server solutions that support the most advanced processors, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will explain the differences between CPUs and GPUs; we will also introduce GIGABYTE products that will help you inject GPU computing into your server rooms and data centers.
Server Processors: The Core of a Server’s Performance

Tech Guide

Server Processors: The Core of a Server’s Performance

How do server processors work? In which ways are they different from the processors used in personal computers? Which processors should you choose for your servers? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in server solutions that support the most advanced processors, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will go over the fundamentals of server processors, compare the differences between various types of processors, and then present GIGABYTE products that may help you achieve your goals with the CPUs most suitable for your needs.
What is Private Cloud, and is it Right for You?

Tech Guide

What is Private Cloud, and is it Right for You?

In the era of cloud computing, just about everyone has heard of the terms “private cloud” and “public cloud”. Chances are, you are using one or both of them in your everyday life—but how much do you really know about them? If you had the chance, could you build a private cloud for yourself or your organization? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in server solutions used by global cloud service providers, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will examine the difference between private and public clouds, introduce the private cloud’s advantages and limitations, and then introduce GIGABYTE products that may help you build and operate a private cloud of your own.
Two-phase and Single-phase Liquid Immersion Cooling

Tech Guide

Two-phase and Single-phase Liquid Immersion Cooling

What is Big Data, and How Can You Benefit from It?

Tech Guide

What is Big Data, and How Can You Benefit from It?

You may be familiar with the term, “big data”, but how firm is your grasp of the concept? Have you heard of the “5 V’s” of big data? Can you recite the “Three Fundamental Steps” of how to use big data? Most importantly, do you know how to reap the benefits through the use of the right tools? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance server solutions, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will walk you through the basics of big data, explain why it boasts unlimited potential, and finally delve into the GIGABYTE products that will help you ride high on the most exciting wave to sweep over the IT sector.
The Advantages of ARM: From Smartphones to Supercomputers and Beyond

Tech Guide

The Advantages of ARM: From Smartphones to Supercomputers and Beyond

Processors based on the ARM architecture, an alternative to the mainstream x86 architecture, is gradually making the leap from mobile devices to servers and data centers. In this Tech Guide, GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance server solutions, recounts how ARM was developed. We also explain the various benefits of ARM processors and recommend ARM servers for different sectors and applications.
Komputasi Klaster: Bentuk Lanjutan dari Komputasi Terdistribusi

Tech Guide

Komputasi Klaster: Bentuk Lanjutan dari Komputasi Terdistribusi

Komputasi Klaster merupakan bentuk komputasi terdistribusi yang serupa dengan komputasi paralel atau grid, namun dikategorikan dalam kelas tersendiri karena memiliki banyak kelebihan, antara lain ketersediaan yang tinggi, layanan penyeimbangan beban, serta komputasi kinerja tinggi (HPC). Sebagai pemimpin industri server berkinerja tinggi, GIGABYTE Technology memberikan panduan teknologi untuk membantu Anda dalam mempelajari komputasi cluster. Kami juga merekomendasikan server GIGABYTE yang dapat membantu Anda dalam memanfaatkan komputasi klaster
Mengatur dengan Langsung Catatan: Apa itu HPC? Panduan Teknis oleh GIGABYTE

Tech Guide

Mengatur dengan Langsung Catatan: Apa itu HPC? Panduan Teknis oleh GIGABYTE