Edge Computing | 邊緣運算

  • What is edge computing?
    Edge computing is a type of computing network architecture, where computation is moved as close to the source of data as possible, in order to reduce latency and bandwidth use. The aim is to reduce the amount of computing required to be performed in a centralized, remote location (i.e. the "cloud") far away from the source of the data or the user who requires the result of the computation, thus minimizing the amount of long-distance communication that has to happen between a client and server. Rapid advances in technology allowing for miniaturization and increased density of computing hardware as well as software virtualization have made edge computing more feasible in recent years.

    Learn More:
    What is Edge Computing? Definition and Cases Explained.

  • Why do you need it?
    There has been a rapid increase of online devices at the edge of networks that generate massive amounts of data (e.g. IoT devices in smart factories or cities), consume massive amounts of data (such using 5G cellphones to view 4K streaming video or VR gaming devices), or both (such as self-driving vehicles). Using a traditional “cloud computing” model requires all this data to be transmitted back to a centralized data center to be processed, before being transmitted back to the device, pushing network bandwidth requirements to the limit. Despite the improvements of network technology, data centers cannot guarantee acceptable transfer rates and response times, which could be a critical requirement for many applications. Therefore, edge computing brings computation and storage abilities to the edge of the network, physically, logically or geographically close to the end device, reducing network bandwidth usage and latency and shortening response times. Edge computing is a primary component of making the Internet fast!

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    GIGABYTE Technology's entire line of E-Series Edge Servers were designed specifically for edge computing. The servers feature compact chassis and incredible compute density that help to bring the most advanced computing prowess out of the data centers and into installations on the edge of the network. These servers may be powered by conventional x86 processors, such as the latest AMD EPYC™ 9004 or 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® CPUs; or they may support RISC-based ARM CPUs, which boast the benefits of speaking the same "computing language" as most mobile and edge devices, having a high number of cores, and consuming less power.

    GIGABYTE also has developed a MEC (Multi-access Edge Computing) solution, a type of edge computing suitable for 5G networks that combines Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) together with general purpose servers to implement Virtual Evolved Packet Core (vEPC) technology. Edge computing will be a key technology component of 5G network infrastructure, since the amount of data generated by 5G devices will be too great for a traditional cloud computing network architecture to handle without unacceptable delays.


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    AI & AIoT


    若您從事汽車與運輸業,請花幾分鐘閱讀本篇文章,了解人工智慧(AI)所開拓的嶄新機會,認識能助您拓展更多可能性與商機的科技工具。本篇是技嘉科技「Power of AI」系列文章,目的是介紹不同產業的AI趨勢,協助具有先見之明的前瞻者利用AI創造自己的機會。
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    由財團法人車輛研究測試中心ARTC打造的MIT自駕電動小型巴士WinBus,是台灣首輛實現SAE Level 4高度自動駕駛技術的無人駕駛公車。WinBus的控制主機是GIGABYTE PILOT,這是技嘉科技專為次世代自動駕駛車輛設計的車載決策控制平台,三大特色包括:大幅提升AI演算性能的高效處理器組合,支援高速介面與各式車用裝置的超強連接性,及能承受不同天氣與道路狀況的強固型設計。技嘉PILOT自動駕駛控制主機(ADCU)不僅適用於自駕車,也可提供自駕船、自駕卡車、無人農耕機及自主移動機器人(AMR)等領域的自駕任務所運用。
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    技嘉ARM伺服器發威 協助台大「高精準車流模型」開發效率提升200%

    Success Case

    技嘉ARM伺服器發威 協助台大「高精準車流模型」開發效率提升200%

    台灣大學施吉昇教授率領的研究團隊,使用技嘉科技G242-P32伺服器及Arm HPC Developer Kit,開發能夠準確模擬路況的「高精準車流模型」。尖端科技加持的智慧交通解決方案,可用來測試即將上市的自駕車,也能用來觀察易肇事路段,找出引發事故的背後因素。以ARM處理器做為基石的這套開發平台,讓科學家工作效率提升200%,成功因素包括:「雲端原生」處理器和路測裝置使用相同的「指令語法」,減少裝置間溝通的延遲;Ampere® Altra®處理器內含八十顆核心,適合進行平行運算;CPU和GPU間可發揮異質運算的綜效,提升運算效率。ARM產品符合ISO 26262標準要求,這表示台大推出的電腦模型可以快速應用於車廠和政府機關,協助開創智慧型運輸的大未來。