Parallel Computing | 平行運算

  • 平行運算是什麼?
    平行運算(Parallel Computing )是指同時使用多種計算資源解決計算問題,在過程中讓許多指令同時進行的一種運算模式,基礎概念是將須計算的內容分割成離散部分,再運用多執行續的方式同時解決。

  • 為何需要?
    傳統的序列計算模式是指在單個計算機(具有單中央處理器)上執行軟體運算。CPU 照順序使用一系列指令解決問題,但其中同一時間只有一種指令可以執行運作。平行運算是在序列計算的基礎上演變而來,目的是模擬自然世界中的狀態:事件會同時發生並可以同時並行處理,依照此原理才可更加速複雜指令的處理速度,減少運算的時間。

  • 技嘉的特色
    技嘉的G系列伺服器有多種GPU運算加速卡擴充插槽的選項,運用GPU多核心的優勢更可以讓平行運算的效益呈倍數成長。G291-2G0能在2U機箱中容納多達16張NVIDIA T4加速卡。適用於人工智慧學習中推論的工作負載,例如:語音辨識、圖像與視頻處理、線上購物或影片串流的推薦系統等…應用。NVIDIA Tesla T4專門用來加速橫向擴充伺服器,減少10倍推論延遲,並提供比CPU高出40倍的驚人能源效率。

    How to Benefit from AI  In the Healthcare & Medical Industry

    AI & AIoT

    How to Benefit from AI In the Healthcare & Medical Industry

    If you work in healthcare and medicine, take some minutes to browse our in-depth analysis on how artificial intelligence has brought new opportunities to this sector, and what tools you can use to benefit from them. This article is part of GIGABYTE Technology’s ongoing “Power of AI” series, which examines the latest AI trends and elaborates on how industry leaders can come out on top of this invigorating paradigm shift.
    How to Pick the Right Server for AI? Part One: CPU & GPU

    Tech Guide

    How to Pick the Right Server for AI? Part One: CPU & GPU

    With the advent of generative AI and other practical applications of artificial intelligence, the procurement of “AI servers” has become a priority for industries ranging from automotive to healthcare, and for academic and public institutions alike. In GIGABYTE Technology’s latest Tech Guide, we take you step by step through the eight key components of an AI server, starting with the two most important building blocks: CPU and GPU. Picking the right processors will jumpstart your supercomputing platform and expedite your AI-related computing workloads.
    How to Pick a Cooling Solution for Your Servers? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

    Tech Guide

    How to Pick a Cooling Solution for Your Servers? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

    As CPUs and GPUs continue to advance, they consume more power and generate more heat. It is vital to keep temperature control in mind when purchasing servers. A good cooling solution keeps things running smoothly without hiking up the energy bill or requiring persistent maintenance. GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance servers, presents this Tech Guide to help you choose a suitable cooling solution. We analyze three popular options—air, liquid, immersion—and demonstrate what GIGABYTE can do for you.
    Researching Cellular Aging Mechanisms at Rey Juan Carlos University

    Success Case

    Researching Cellular Aging Mechanisms at Rey Juan Carlos University

    The speed, the precision, the vast amount of data need a computing cluster. Researchers Sergio Muñoz and Luis Bote at Rey Juan Carlos University worked with SIE and GIGABYTE to create a cluster composing of nodes: GPU, storage, compute, and head.
    To Harness Generative AI, You Must Learn About “Training” & “Inference”

    Tech Guide

    To Harness Generative AI, You Must Learn About “Training” & “Inference”

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must be familiar with the “magic” of generative AI: how chatbots like ChatGPT can compose anything from love letters to sonnets, and how text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion can render art based on text prompts. The truth is, generative AI is not only easy to make sense of, but also a cinch to work with. In our latest Tech Guide, we dissect the “training” and “inference” processes behind generative AI, and we recommend total solutions from GIGABYTE Technology that’ll enable you to harness its full potential.
    CSR and ESG in Action: GIGABYTE Helps NCKU Train Award-Winning Supercomputing Team

    Success Case

    CSR and ESG in Action: GIGABYTE Helps NCKU Train Award-Winning Supercomputing Team

    GIGABYTE Technology is not only a leading brand in high-performance server solutions—it is also an active force for good when it comes to CSR and ESG activities. Case in point: in 2020, GIGABYTE provided four G482-Z50 servers to Taiwan’s Cheng Kung University. The servers were used to train a team of talented students, who went on to take first place in that year’s APAC HPC-AI Competition in Singapore. The parallel computing performance of the servers’ processors, the seamless connectivity between the servers, and the servers’ unrivalled reliability are the reasons why GIGABYTE servers are ideal for educating the next generation of supercomputing experts. GIGABYTE is happy to give back to society and contribute to human advancement through high tech solutions.
    NCHC and Xanthus Elevate Taiwanese Animation on the World Stage with GIGABYTE Servers

    Success Case

    NCHC and Xanthus Elevate Taiwanese Animation on the World Stage with GIGABYTE Servers

    Created by Greener Grass Production, the Taiwanese sci-fi mini-series “2049” made its debut on Netflix and various local TV channels. The animated spin-off “2049+ Voice of Rebirth”, crafted by Xanthus Animation Studio, premiered on the streaming service myVideo. The CGI show was created with the NCHC Render Farm’s GIGABYTE servers, which employ top-of-the-line NVIDIA® graphics cards to empower artists with industry-leading rendering capabilities. The servers can take on multiple workloads simultaneously through parallel computing, and they boast a wide range of patented smart features that ensure stability and availability. With all it has going for it, “2049+ Voice of Rebirth” may garner enough attention to become the breakout hit that will introduce Taiwanese animation to international audiences.
    Spain’s IFISC Tackles COVID-19, Climate Change with GIGABYTE Servers

    Success Case

    Spain’s IFISC Tackles COVID-19, Climate Change with GIGABYTE Servers

    By using GIGABYTE, Spain’s Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems is pitting the world’s foremost server solutions against some of the world’s most pressing issues, including the effects of climate change, pollution, and COVID-19. GIGABYTE servers are up to the diverse and daunting tasks, because they are designed for high performance computing, intensive numerical simulations, AI development, and big data management.