Multi-access Edge Computing | 多接取邊緣運算架構

  • What is Multi-access Edge Computing (Mobile Edge Computing)?
    Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC), also known as Mobile Edge Computing, is a network architecture that enables cloud computing capabilities and an IT service environment at the edge of a cellular network. MEC technology is designed to be implemented at cellular base stations or other edge nodes, and enables flexible and rapid deployment of new applications and services for customers. MEC is ideal to be used for the next generation of 5G cellular networks.

  • Why you need Mobile Edge Computing? Who needs it?
    MEC implements the ethos of Edge Computing for cellular phone networks, allowing content such as movies, video games, VR / AR applications and other multimedia content to be placed closer to the user at the periphery of the network, reducing latency and bandwidth requirements. For example, popular video content can be saved at the cellular base station, reducing network backhaul and transport requirements and improving loading times.

    In addition, a MEC server can be used to implement applications such as Intelligent Video Analytics – video steams can be analyzed in real time without the need to be transmitted back to a central data center, accelerating detection and response times and trigger events automatically (e.g. abandoned bags, facial recognition of wanted or missing persons etc.), or for Augmented Reality – the MEC server will provide local object tracking and local AR content caching to overlay augmented reality content onto objects viewed on a cellular device camera.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    GIGABYTE has partnered with ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute), working together in developing the hardware and software architecture required to implement MEC. A demonstration of this architecture was showcased at MWC 2019 (Mobile World Conference) in Barcelona and will be implemented as part of a VR concert viewing system in the new Taipei Center for Popular Music.

    基於5G的多接取邊緣運算架構 打造智慧醫療應用新紀元


    基於5G的多接取邊緣運算架構 打造智慧醫療應用新紀元

    第五代行動通訊(5G)智慧醫療的新紀元,從以往的治療疾病,轉變為人類照護和重症的預防偵測為主。技嘉高密度且可擴充的Edge Servers邊緣運算伺服器,可快速消化海量資料,並攜手Alpha Networks Inc.(明泰科技)將多接取邊緣運算架構(Multi-access Edge Computing, MEC)應用在智慧醫療領域的穿戴式裝置與感測器等物聯網(Internet of Things, IoT)裝置,透過海量資訊蒐集且低延遲的快速整合分析,助客戶預測未來可能的健康趨勢。
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    5G落地 智慧應用生根 企業搶佔先機 IT需要升級再進化

    什麼是邊緣運算(Edge Computing)?


    什麼是邊緣運算(Edge Computing)?

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    [數位導覽] 5G邊緣運算 開啟你的全新體驗

    GIGABYTE 將為你開啟一趟5G生活圈的數位體驗,運用智慧城市情境,以5G三大特性: eMBB大頻寬、URLLC低延遲、mMTC巨量連結為基礎,呈現動態圖文的情境解說,如大型活動的即時沉浸式體驗、智慧車聯網及自駕車、及應用於智慧城市的新服務,同時掌握關鍵技術多接取邊緣運算(MEC, Multi-access Edge Computing)架構與技嘉邊緣運算平台在5G未來中所扮演的重要角色。
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    新一代通訊商機:3項高潛力 5G應用實例

    5G通訊技術近期不斷地在各大產業間被談論著,似乎所有事物都要與5G連結上,才算跟上科技潮流! 談到5G技術必定會提到大頻寬、低延遲、大連結等特性。而5G的到來能改變未來生活的樣貌,我們直接從生活實例中更明確地了解什麼是5G吧! 而技嘉在5G新世代通訊中扮演什麼關鍵角色呢?
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    5G元年 不能不知道的關鍵概念

    5G通訊技術是近來討論相當熱烈的話題,由於訊號傳輸速度更快、低延遲性還有大連結等特性,讓人們開始能發展包括工業4.0、自駕車、智慧城市等等應用,不再侷限於通訊;到底什麼是5G,它與 4G 有什麼不同?在技術上有何創新、又會對未來生活帶來多大的變化?



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    啟動5G解決方案 技嘉創造智慧生活圈
