Render Farm | 算圖農場

  • What is a Render Farm?
    A render farm is an interconnected computing cluster that utilizes High Performance Computing (HPC) to create computer-generated imagery (CGI), typically used for visual effects in the entertainment industry. Since parallel computing allows each frame or tile to be rendered individually, distributed rendering makes it possible to produce large quantities of CGI in a relatively short period of time.

    For smaller animation studios, building an on-site render farm may be cost-prohibitive, so a cloud-based render farm may be set up to service multiple animators through high speed internet. The establishment of a cloud-based render farm is often a prerequisite for a successful and vibrant animation industry.

  • Why do you need it?
    Rendering high-resolution CGI takes a lot of processing power and can become a bottleneck. It may take hours to render a single image, or even months to render a feature-length animated film. Render farms can help offload or accelerate such tasks, freeing up valuable computer resources for much more productive and creative work.

    At every stage of a project, a render farm may be used to ensure the final product hews closely to the original vision. Here are some ways a render farm can be beneficial to animation studios, freelance content creators, and the show business in general.

    Conception: In addition to drawing a storyboard, the artist may quickly create high-quality preview renderings for presentation and discussion. Alternative versions of the same scene can be produced effortlessly, allowing for greater creative flexibility.

    Revision: Re-rendering can be done painlessly, without extending working hours or sacrificing quality. Being able to tweak and adjust finished products means you never have to compromise your vision.

    Completion: Once the final cut has been approved, the animation can be polished to perfection and made ready for screening in a shorter amount of time.

    The availability of easy-to-make, high-quality visual effects can also spur creativity in unexpected ways. For example, CGI may be merged with the performing arts to deliver a surreal mix between live performers and virtual projections.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    GIGABYTE's G-Series GPU Servers are highly recommended for render farms, since they can produce large quantities of high-quality CGI very quickly. Benefiting from our expertise in the fields of thermal and mechanical design, the G-Series leads the industry with some of the highest density GPU servers on the market, capable of using parallel computing to perform complex calculations and process large amounts of data. For cloud-based render farms, solutions such as G191-H44 not only feature low-latency performance characteristics and excellent internet connectivity, but also support 5G network infrastructure. The G-Series servers have been rigorously tested to ensure their performance and stability in high stress scenarios; reliability is not an issue, even with heavy workloads and long working hours.

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    零百加速3.3秒的熱情奔放!技嘉工作站成就清大賽車工廠 揮舞方格旗的夢想!!

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    什麼是HPC高效能運算? 技嘉科技《科技指南》系列文章

    隨著伺服器解決方案變得更為普及,常有人提起高效能運算(HPC);內行人把這個字掛在嘴邊,好像只要是伺服器產品,就應該提供HPC功能,HPC可以解決所有運算問題……您可能想要知道,HPC真正的優勢是什麼?您能如何應用? 技嘉科技是高性能伺服器產品的業界領袖,本次發表《科技指南》文章,目的是清楚解釋HPC定義,並透過真實世界HPC成功案例介紹,希望能夠幫您評估,HPC是否符合您的需求?如果需要HPC,技嘉科技能為您提供什麼服務?
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    GIGABYTE meets 大畠雅人:專業創作者所看到的AERO魅力

    此次,我們取得大畠先生同意,在他製作作品的空檔前去叨擾,並且請他實際使用GIGABYTE為創作者設計的高階筆電 - AERO 17 HDR,給予最直接的感想回饋。在此再次感謝能有這次寶貴的採訪機會,同時也深深感謝協助攝影的各位相關人士。 攝影協助:Boogie Jiggy café / 文字: Sekiguchi / 翻譯:蔡栯綺