Data Center | 資料中心

  • What is a data center?
    A data center is a facility that an organization uses for housing their IT equipment, including servers, storage, networking devices (such as switches, routers and firewalls), as well as the racks and cabling needed to organize and connect this equipment. This equipment also requires infrastructure to support it such as power distribution systems (including backup generators and uninterruptible power supplies) and ventilation and cooling systems (such as air conditioning systems or liquid cooling systems). A data center can range in size from a single room to a massive multi-warehouse complex.

    In 2005, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) published standard ANSI/TIA-942, "Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers", which defines four tiers of data centers by various levels of reliability or resilience. For example, a Tier 1 data center is little more than a server room, while a Tier 4 data center offers redundant subsystems and high security.

    Learn more:
    How to Build Your Data Center with GIGABYTE? A Free Downloadable Tech Guide

  • Why do you need it?
    The core business and daily operations of almost all modern enterprises now require IT systems and computing power to support them, as well as store, manage and analyze the large amount of data they are gathering each day. Housing these systems in a centralized facility simplifies management and infrastructure efficiency, as well as making it easier to implement better reliability and security features.

    Depending on their situation and requirements, an organization may choose to build and operate their own data center, house their server equipment in a data center owned and operated by a third party ("co-location data center"), or outsource all of their IT operations equipment and infrastructure to a third party provider ("cloud computing").

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    Advance AI with GIGABYTE’s supercharged AI server solutions

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    GIGABYTE is a leading supplier of server hardware used in data centers worldwide, including for some of the biggest companies involved in HPC (High Performance Computing) and cloud & web hosting services. Our product families include server systems for standard 19" racks based on a variety of CPU platforms (such as Intel Xeon, AMD EYPC and ARM) as well as 21" OCP Open Rack Standards compliant systems(Data Center - OCP), based on open-source design guidelines and specifications which aim to create more efficient, flexible, and scalable data center hardware.

    GIGABYTE has also been working with a variety of data center liquid cooling infrastructure partners to help customers improve their data center PUE and reduce power consumption, including developing compatible products and solutions for direct-to-chip liquid cooling (liquid to liquid and liquid to air), single-phase oil immersion cooling, and two-phase liquid immersion cooling systems.

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    Advanced Cooling Solutions
    Immersion cooling has become the top choice for ESG-centric industry forerunner

    GIGABYTE堅實助力 捷克最大搜尋引擎事業蓬勃發展

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    GIGABYTE堅實助力 捷克最大搜尋引擎事業蓬勃發展


    AI & AIoT


    從事醫療與健康產業的讀者,請花幾分鐘閱讀本篇文章,了解人工智慧(AI)為這個領域所帶來的嶄新商機,並認識能助您從中受益的AI工具。本篇是技嘉科技「Power of AI」系列文章,目的是介紹不同產業的最新AI趨勢,鼓勵前瞻者把握AI浪潮,找尋自己的機會。

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    AI & AIoT



    AI & AIoT


    若您從事汽車與運輸業,請花幾分鐘閱讀本篇文章,了解人工智慧(AI)所開拓的嶄新機會,認識能助您拓展更多可能性與商機的科技工具。本篇是技嘉科技「Power of AI」系列文章,目的是介紹不同產業的AI趨勢,協助具有先見之明的前瞻者利用AI創造自己的機會。
    如何挑選適當的伺服器冷卻方案? 技嘉科技《科技指南》系列文章

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    如何挑選適當的伺服器冷卻方案? 技嘉科技《科技指南》系列文章

    隨著科技進步,新一代的處理器使用更多電力、產出更多熱能。選購伺服器時,應當留意溫控問題,好的冷卻方案可確保伺服器正常運作,且不至於太耗電、或是需要頻繁的維修。 技嘉科技是高性能伺服器的領導品牌,本篇《科技指南》針對市面上廣泛使用的三種散熱方法(氣冷式、液冷式和浸沒式)逐一說明,並介紹技嘉的相關產品,協助您挑選最適合的解決方案。

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    生成式人工智慧(generative AI)來勢洶洶,實用案例包括聊天機器人ChatGPT能撰寫文案與企劃案、Stable Diffusion等圖像生成工具能依指令產出栩栩如生的影像。事實上,想搞懂生成式AI不難,使用它比想像中還容易。技嘉科技在本篇《科技指南》中,為您解剖生成式AI背後「訓練」與「推論」兩個重要步驟,並為您推薦專為人工智慧開發所設計的技嘉解決方案,協助您成為AI世代的佼佼者。