RAID | 容錯式獨立磁碟陣列

  • What is it?
    Jokingly termed the "Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks" by researchers in the 1980s, the acronym RAID was later modified to stand for "Redundant Array of Independent Disks". It is a method of virtualization that combines multiple disks into a single storage unit to ensure availability and achieve redundancy. Data is stored across multiple devices to prevent the failure of any one disk from destroying the information. Hardware or software solutions are used to manage the data that's distributed across multiple devices.

    RAID has become a key feature in many modern storage devices; most notably, in storage servers that are part of a computing cluster that handles a lot of data. The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) categorizes RAID into different levels to specify which storage techniques are being used; the most ubiquitous RAID types are 1, 3, 5, and 6. A higher level generally represents greater protection against data errors and device failures. Data center engineers usually employ a mix of RAID levels and other error protection technologies to ensure data redundancy and improve efficiency.

  • Why do you need it?
    Whether you are running a data center, server farm, or server room, the protection of your data—not to mention fast and efficient access to it—are of paramount importance. RAID has become a widely accepted method of improving data security while enhancing server performance. New solutions are being proposed all the time to further enhance the performance of RAID so it can contribute to the development of artificial intelligence (AI)big data, and other cutting-edge inventions.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    GIGABYTE, an industry-leading brand of server solutions, is renowned for its complete product line of S-Series Storage Servers, which support the commonly used RAID types. GIGABYTE also works closely with renowned RAID solution providers to ensure its servers benefit from the latest technology. For example, GIGABYTE has incorporated GRAID Technology's GRAID SupremeRAID™, a high-speed data protection solution designed especially for NVMe SSDs, into GIGABYTE R282-Z9G. The innovative RAID solution makes over 100GB/s of throughput possible for workloads in HPC, 4K/8K video editing, high-frequency trading, online transaction processing, and database processing. This level of throughput is required of storage solutions in the modern age of data processing.

    矽谷CSP公司Sushi Cloud攜手技嘉科技 推出Bare-metal「裸機」雲端服務

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    矽谷CSP公司Sushi Cloud攜手技嘉科技 推出Bare-metal「裸機」雲端服務

    矽谷CSP公司Sushi Cloud開發bare-metal「裸機」雲端服務,不同於其他公有雲服務,裸機方案讓終端用戶能獨自使用「單租戶」的雲端服務,不需要和其他用戶分享運算資源,所帶來的好處除了運算力,還有靈活度與可靠性的大幅提升。Sushi Cloud購買技嘉科技R152-Z30機架式伺服器,讓客人能享受AMD EPYC™處理器的超強效能,大容量記憶體和硬碟,及相容性超高的作業系統和軟體生態系統,此外還有技嘉專屬的高可用性設計:「智慧型危機管理與防護」、「雙唯讀記憶體架構」以及遠端管理功能:「技嘉管理控制台」、「技嘉伺服器管理套件」。

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    什麼是HPC高效能運算? 技嘉科技《科技指南》系列文章

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    什麼是HPC高效能運算? 技嘉科技《科技指南》系列文章

    隨著伺服器解決方案變得更為普及,常有人提起高效能運算(HPC);內行人把這個字掛在嘴邊,好像只要是伺服器產品,就應該提供HPC功能,HPC可以解決所有運算問題……您可能想要知道,HPC真正的優勢是什麼?您能如何應用? 技嘉科技是高性能伺服器產品的業界領袖,本次發表《科技指南》文章,目的是清楚解釋HPC定義,並透過真實世界HPC成功案例介紹,希望能夠幫您評估,HPC是否符合您的需求?如果需要HPC,技嘉科技能為您提供什麼服務?
    GRAID - 適用於NVMe SSD的資料保護方案


    GRAID - 適用於NVMe SSD的資料保護方案