• What is it?
    Jokingly termed the "Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks" by researchers in the 1980s, the acronym RAID was later modified to stand for "Redundant Array of Independent Disks". It is a method of virtualization that combines multiple disks into a single storage unit to ensure availability and achieve redundancy. Data is stored across multiple devices to prevent the failure of any one disk from destroying the information. Hardware or software solutions are used to manage the data that's distributed across multiple devices.

    RAID has become a key feature in many modern storage devices; most notably, in storage servers that are part of a computing cluster that handles a lot of data. The Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) categorizes RAID into different levels to specify which storage techniques are being used; the most ubiquitous RAID types are 1, 3, 5, and 6. A higher level generally represents greater protection against data errors and device failures. Data center engineers usually employ a mix of RAID levels and other error protection technologies to ensure data redundancy and improve efficiency.

  • Why do you need it?
    Whether you are running a data center, server farm, or server room, the protection of your data—not to mention fast and efficient access to it—are of paramount importance. RAID has become a widely accepted method of improving data security while enhancing server performance. New solutions are being proposed all the time to further enhance the performance of RAID so it can contribute to the development of artificial intelligence (AI)big data, and other cutting-edge inventions.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    GIGABYTE, an industry-leading brand of server solutions, is renowned for its complete product line of S-Series Storage Servers, which support the commonly used RAID types. GIGABYTE also works closely with renowned RAID solution providers to ensure its servers benefit from the latest technology. For example, GIGABYTE has incorporated GRAID Technology's GRAID SupremeRAID™, a high-speed data protection solution designed especially for NVMe SSDs, into GIGABYTE R282-Z9G. The innovative RAID solution makes over 100GB/s of throughput possible for workloads in HPC, 4K/8K video editing, high-frequency trading, online transaction processing, and database processing. This level of throughput is required of storage solutions in the modern age of data processing.

    Silicon Valley Startup Sushi Cloud Rolls Out Bare-metal Services with GIGABYTE

    Success Case

    Silicon Valley Startup Sushi Cloud Rolls Out Bare-metal Services with GIGABYTE

    The Silicon Valley startup Sushi Cloud is competing in the public cloud sector by providing “bare-metal” services that give users exclusive access to individual, standalone servers on the cloud, resulting in a triple boost to performance, versatility, and reliability. Sushi Cloud purchased GIGABYTE’s R152-Z30 Rack Servers to offer its clients the state-of-the-art performance of AMD EPYC™ CPUs; the versatility afforded by superb memory and storage capacities, in addition to OS and software ecosystem compatibility; and GIGABYTE’s proprietary high availability features (such as SCMP and dual ROM) and remote management functions (such as GIGABYTE Management Console and GIGABYTE Server Management).
    What is Private Cloud, and is it Right for You?

    Tech Guide

    What is Private Cloud, and is it Right for You?

    In the era of cloud computing, just about everyone has heard of the terms “private cloud” and “public cloud”. Chances are, you are using one or both of them in your everyday life—but how much do you really know about them? If you had the chance, could you build a private cloud for yourself or your organization? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in server solutions used by global cloud service providers, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will examine the difference between private and public clouds, introduce the private cloud’s advantages and limitations, and then introduce GIGABYTE products that may help you build and operate a private cloud of your own.
    What is Big Data, and How Can You Benefit from It?

    Tech Guide

    What is Big Data, and How Can You Benefit from It?

    You may be familiar with the term, “big data”, but how firm is your grasp of the concept? Have you heard of the “5 V’s” of big data? Can you recite the “Three Fundamental Steps” of how to use big data? Most importantly, do you know how to reap the benefits through the use of the right tools? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance server solutions, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will walk you through the basics of big data, explain why it boasts unlimited potential, and finally delve into the GIGABYTE products that will help you ride high on the most exciting wave to sweep over the IT sector.
    Mengatur dengan Langsung Catatan: Apa itu HPC? Panduan Teknis oleh GIGABYTE

    Tech Guide

    Mengatur dengan Langsung Catatan: Apa itu HPC? Panduan Teknis oleh GIGABYTE

    HPC: Supercomputing Menjadi Dapat Diakses dan Dapat Dicapai
    GRAID: A Data Protection Solution for NVMe SSDs


    GRAID: A Data Protection Solution for NVMe SSDs