IoT | 物聯網

  • 物聯網IoT是什麼?
    物聯網(IoT)是指連結到互聯網的設備網絡,可以記錄或接收數據,而不需要任何人機互動。 這些設備可以是日常生活,商業或工業中的任何一種實物,例如,您家中的恆溫器、路邊的垃圾桶或工廠生產線上的設備。

  • 為何需要物聯網IoT?
    連結到互聯網的設備可以通過感測器收集訊息,並發送此訊息以進行分析、發出動作指令或從過程中學習 ; 或者,設備可以接收此訊息並採取行動,或兩者兼具。連結到互聯網可以使任何設備變得更智能。




  • 技嘉的特色
    技嘉專注於開發物聯網應用的終端和嵌入式運算解決方案。 我們的產品包括標準嵌入式主板物聯網閘道器設備,以及針對工業,零售農業或其他物聯網應用的半客製和完全客製的解決方案。

    How to Benefit from AI  In the Healthcare & Medical Industry

    AI & AIoT

    How to Benefit from AI In the Healthcare & Medical Industry

    If you work in healthcare and medicine, take some minutes to browse our in-depth analysis on how artificial intelligence has brought new opportunities to this sector, and what tools you can use to benefit from them. This article is part of GIGABYTE Technology’s ongoing “Power of AI” series, which examines the latest AI trends and elaborates on how industry leaders can come out on top of this invigorating paradigm shift.
    How to Benefit from AI in the Automotive & Transportation Industry

    AI & AIoT

    How to Benefit from AI in the Automotive & Transportation Industry

    If you work in the automotive and transportation industry, spend a few minutes to read our in-depth analysis of how artificial intelligence has created new opportunities in this sector, and what tools you can use to get ahead. This article is part of GIGABYTE Technology’s ongoing “Power of AI” series, which examines the latest AI-related trends, and how intrepid visionaries can reap the benefits of this exciting paradigm shift.
    Using GIGABYTE, NIPA Cloud Soars Among CSP Giants in Thailand

    Success Case

    Using GIGABYTE, NIPA Cloud Soars Among CSP Giants in Thailand

    NIPA Cloud is a leading public and private cloud service provider in Thailand. It has purchased multiple GIGABYTE R-Series Rack Servers to support the launch of its new service: NIPA Enterprise Public Cloud. Featuring powerful AMD EPYC™ processors and smart management functions, GIGABYTE servers boast the performance, availability, and power efficiency that can help NIPA Cloud go toe-to-toe with some of the world’s biggest CSPs, such as AWS, GCP, and Microsoft Azure.
    Logistics Leader Initiates Smart Transformation with Customized Server Solutions from GIGABYTE

    Success Case

    Logistics Leader Initiates Smart Transformation with Customized Server Solutions from GIGABYTE

    A wave of intelligent transformation is sweeping through the global logistics sector. A major player in North America was looking to optimize its work flow and upgrade the sorting system in its distribution centers. GIGABYTE provided custom-built server solutions to help the client achieve peak performance and reliability. As a result, the efficiency of their deliveries and the quality of their services were drastically improved.
    Global Autonomous Vehicle Boom: Core Knowledge You Should Never Ignore

    Tech Guide

    Global Autonomous Vehicle Boom: Core Knowledge You Should Never Ignore

    Data Center Cooling: The Key to Green Computing and a Low-Carbon Transition

    Tech Guide

    Data Center Cooling: The Key to Green Computing and a Low-Carbon Transition

    Ushering in a New Era of Smart Healthcare Applications with 5G-based MEC


    Ushering in a New Era of Smart Healthcare Applications with 5G-based MEC

    A new epoch of smart medicine has been made possible with the proliferation of 5G. Healthcare has advanced from the treatment of symptoms to the early detection of disease and the tracking of each individual’s condition. GIGABYTE Technology offers the highly scalable, high-density E-Series Edge Servers for edge computing; by working with Alpha Networks Inc., GIGABYTE has brought the benefits of multi-access edge computing (MEC) to wearable devices and other Internet of Things (IoT) applications that will help to realize the vision of smart medicine. The compilation of big data, coupled with the low-latency characteristics of MEC, allow for faster data integration and analysis that will help healthcare providers offer customized, predictive care for their patients.
    What is Big Data, and How Can You Benefit from It?

    Tech Guide

    What is Big Data, and How Can You Benefit from It?

    You may be familiar with the term, “big data”, but how firm is your grasp of the concept? Have you heard of the “5 V’s” of big data? Can you recite the “Three Fundamental Steps” of how to use big data? Most importantly, do you know how to reap the benefits through the use of the right tools? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance server solutions, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will walk you through the basics of big data, explain why it boasts unlimited potential, and finally delve into the GIGABYTE products that will help you ride high on the most exciting wave to sweep over the IT sector.