Digital Twin | 數位分身

  • What is it?
    A digital twin is a virtual representation of a real-life entity, such as a person, product, process, or system, which has been designed to mirror or simulate changes to the real-life entity. A set of virtualization tools, usually called a "digital thread", is used to maintain accuracy. Digital twins are an important part of Industry 4.0 and the Internet of Things (IoT), as they can be used to oversee and manage a vast network of interconnected devices, as well as simulate the result of future actions to determine the best course forward.

    It is worth noting that a digital twin is generally different from a virtual avatar in the "metaverse", a concept that has garnered a lot of attention due to the involvement of tech giants such as Meta (the company formerly known as Facebook) and Microsoft. A virtual avatar is usually a simplified virtual personification of the human user, by which the virtual world of the metaverse is experienced. A digital twin, on the other hand, is the detailed replica of a real-life entity, by which the real-life entity can be managed or experimented upon to forecast the result of future actions.

  • Why do you need it?
    The advantages of building digital twins are numerous. Real-time monitoring and management of a piece of equipment, a production process, or even an entire energy grid can be made possible with digital twins. New changes can be tested on digital twins before being deployed in the real world. A clearer overview of things may offer new insights into how a product can be refined or how a process can be streamlined. Digital twins have already been widely used in such diverse vertical industries as manufacturing, retail, healthcare, and entertainment.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    The backbone of an accurate and detailed digital twin is the server solutions housed in server rooms or data centers. GIGABYTE offers a broad range of server products that have already been used to create the digital twins of individuals, products, processes, or entire ecosystems.

    Individuals: If you think about it, creating a virtual representation of yourself to try on clothes fits the definition of a digital twin. Among GIGABYTE's many solutions that "Bring Smart to Life" is the Smart Fitting Mirror, which is an O2O (online to offline) retail solution with integrated IoT hardware, 3D ToF cameras, and ULSee's 3D Virtual Try-On software. Users can generate digital twins of themselves and try on different outfits in a virtual simulation. The solution is connected to GIGABYTE's cloud computing servers, which can combine big data analysis with AI and deep learning to understand customer preferences and make better recommendations.

    Products: In the automotive industry, aerodynamics engineers use "Computational Fluid Dynamics" (CFD) simulation software to analyze airflow distribution and surface pressure on the vehicle body, as well as other measurements such as road friction, load weight, and durability. This data is then used to redesign vehicle bodies to reduce wind resistance and fuel consumption. A world-renowned automotive manufacturer chose GIGABYTE's H261-Z60 from the H-Series of High Density Servers to build an HPC computing cluster for its vehicle design center to help simulate, test, and design their automobiles.

    Ecosystems: "VPP4ISLANDS" is an EU-funded project that uses digital twins to replicate real-world power grids and simulate the implementation of renewable energy sources in isolated instances. Spain's Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC), which contributes to the project, purchased GIGABYTE's G482-Z54 from the G-Series of GPU Servers and R282-Z91 and R272-Z32 from the R-Series of Rack Servers to pit groundbreaking processing power against one of mankind's most pressing problems. The parallel computing capabilities of the G482-Z54, coupled with the versatility and reliability of the two Rack Server models, are a natural fit for this digital twin-related project.

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    技嘉ARM伺服器發威 協助台大「高精準車流模型」開發效率提升200%

    台灣大學施吉昇教授率領的研究團隊,使用技嘉科技G242-P32伺服器及Arm HPC Developer Kit,開發能夠準確模擬路況的「高精準車流模型」。尖端科技加持的智慧交通解決方案,可用來測試即將上市的自駕車,也能用來觀察易肇事路段,找出引發事故的背後因素。以ARM處理器做為基石的這套開發平台,讓科學家工作效率提升200%,成功因素包括:「雲端原生」處理器和路測裝置使用相同的「指令語法」,減少裝置間溝通的延遲;Ampere® Altra®處理器內含八十顆核心,適合進行平行運算;CPU和GPU間可發揮異質運算的綜效,提升運算效率。ARM產品符合ISO 26262標準要求,這表示台大推出的電腦模型可以快速應用於車廠和政府機關,協助開創智慧型運輸的大未來。

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