IT | 資訊科技

  • What is it?
    The acronym IT commonly stands for information technology. It is a subset of ICT (information and communications technology) that focuses on the use of computers and servers to create, process, transmit, and store digital data. As hardware and software technologies advance, the types of data that can be generated from every aspect of our lives, and the value that can be gleaned from this data, have far surpassed our initial expectations. For example, old medical records used to clutter up shelves and cabinets (or hard drives) in doctors' offices, providing no benefit to anyone except for the returning patient. Now, with the invention of artificial intelligencecomputer visiondeep learning, and other techniques, this invaluable archive of big data can be analyzed to find common indicators of disease, which can then be used to help screen future patients.

    In just about every vertical market, an IT staff is critical to helping the company carry out its daily operations, as well as leverage its store of information and know-how to generate new value. In addition to the PC products we all work with every day, more and more IT departments are incorporating server solutions into their IT infrastructure: whether it's by building its own server rooms and server farms, or by renting cloud computing services from large-scale data centers. In this way, an IT team can be more than just part of the administrative or supporting staff; they can help the company grow and develop new business opportunities.

  • Why do you need it?
    As has already been said, incorporating IT in your business can be more than just a way to ensure that the day-to-day work can hum along without a hitch; it is also a way to discover new value in your existing database and grow your business. Besides the healthcare-related example cited above, other real-life success stories include:

    Manufacturing: It goes without saying that all modern jobs rely on IT equipment to manage, communicate, and operate the tools of production. But an enterprising IT team can do more than help keep the lights on. By collecting and analyzing data about the tools of production, predictive and preventive maintenance can be conducted to eliminate disruptions before they happen.

    Transport and logistics: Open road tolling (ORT) solutions that can deduct tolls from a passing vehicle without requiring the driver to slow down can also assess traffic conditions and warn of road congestion. In this case, the IT equipment not only makes collecting tolls easier, it also creates new valuable services that the ORT operator can sell to customers.

    Retail: The flow of shoppers in a busy mall may seem like a random, haphazard swirl, but the truth of the matter is, there may be a logic to the comings and goings of a madding crowd. By hooking up IP cameras with servers and AI software, regions of interest (ROI) in a shopping center can be identified and capitalized on.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    All the products made by GIGABYTE, a world-renowned tech leader, are IT solutions. Whether it's the PC products that can be used for work as well as play, the wide range of server solutions, or the enterprise solutions incorporating 5G, AI, IoT, cloud computing, edge computing, and other technologies, GIGABYTE can help different vertical markets with their data collecting, processing, transmitting, and storage needs.

    Of particular note is GIGABYTE's line of HPC Servers, which comprise H-Series High Density ServersG-Series GPU ServersR-Series Rack Servers, and more. These solutions provide maximum compute density in chassis ranging in size from 1U to 5U. An example of GIGABYTE's HPC solution is the H263-Series, which support NVIDIA's Grace Superchip or Grace Hopper architecture. The G593-Series integrates NVIDIA HGX H100 8-GPU, one of the most powerful computing modules in the world, to create an advanced AI training platform. The general-purpose R263-Series is powered by the latest AMD EPYC™ 9004 or 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® CPUs and can be employed for a wide variety of tasks.


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    AI & AIoT



    AI & AIoT


    若您從事汽車與運輸業,請花幾分鐘閱讀本篇文章,了解人工智慧(AI)所開拓的嶄新機會,認識能助您拓展更多可能性與商機的科技工具。本篇是技嘉科技「Power of AI」系列文章,目的是介紹不同產業的AI趨勢,協助具有先見之明的前瞻者利用AI創造自己的機會。
    矽谷CSP公司Sushi Cloud攜手技嘉科技 推出Bare-metal「裸機」雲端服務

    Success Case

    矽谷CSP公司Sushi Cloud攜手技嘉科技 推出Bare-metal「裸機」雲端服務

    矽谷CSP公司Sushi Cloud開發bare-metal「裸機」雲端服務,不同於其他公有雲服務,裸機方案讓終端用戶能獨自使用「單租戶」的雲端服務,不需要和其他用戶分享運算資源,所帶來的好處除了運算力,還有靈活度與可靠性的大幅提升。Sushi Cloud購買技嘉科技R152-Z30機架式伺服器,讓客人能享受AMD EPYC™處理器的超強效能,大容量記憶體和硬碟,及相容性超高的作業系統和軟體生態系統,此外還有技嘉專屬的高可用性設計:「智慧型危機管理與防護」、「雙唯讀記憶體架構」以及遠端管理功能:「技嘉管理控制台」、「技嘉伺服器管理套件」。

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    伺服器處理器(Server CPU)如何運作?與一般電腦的處理器有什麼不同?不同的Server CPU如何影響您的伺服器?技嘉科技為伺服器與尖端科技解決方案的知名品牌,發表本篇《科技指南》,目的是介紹伺服器處理器的基本知識與原理,比較不同處理器的優勢與差異,並且協助您選擇合適的技嘉科技伺服器產品,讓您在了解伺服器處理器之餘,更能清晰掌握自我需求,獲得最理想的伺服器解決方案。

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    「大數據big data」或許不是陌生的名詞,但是,您知道它的原理和運用方法嗎?您是否聽說過「大數據的5V原則」?還有,您是否熟悉「做好大數據的三個基礎步驟」?更關鍵的是,如果您想使用大數據,您是否擁有適合的工具?技嘉科技是尖端科技解決方案的知名品牌,發表本篇《科技指南》,目的是介紹大數據的基本知識,淺談大數據所蘊藏的無限商機,並且推薦適用於大數據的技嘉科技伺服器產品,讓您能掌握大數據,解決生活和工作上所遇到的問題。