GIGABYTE PILOT: The Autonomous-Driving Control Unit at the Heart of Taiwan’s First Self-Driving Bus
Developed by the Automotive Research Testing Center (ARTC), the WinBus is Taiwan’s first self-driving electric bus that has reached SAE Level 4 Driving Automation. GIGABYTE PILOT, GIGABYTE Technology’s Autonomous-Driving Control Unit (ADCU), is the AI Mobile Edge Computing Platform at the heart of the autonomous vehicle. It provides superb processing power to support the deployment of self-driving AI algorithms, versatile connectivity to act as the hub between onboard sensors and the vehicle control system, and a rugged and reliable design that is ready for long-term operations. GIGABYTE PILOT is the ideal choice for autonomous vehicles, vessels, heavy machinery, and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs).

Benefit #1: Superb Processing Power for Deployment of Self-Driving AI Algorithms

GIGABYTE PILOT is an Autonomous-Driving Control Unit (ADCU) that serves as the brain of the autonomous vehicle. It can run sophisticated self-driving AI algorithms, link up to the onboard sensors and the control system, and withstand the wear and tear of road travel. It is the ideal in-vehicle computing platform.
Benefit #2: Versatile Connectivity with Support for Sensors and the Control System

The WinBus is the best of Taiwan’s high tech and automotive sectors combined, and it is controlled and navigated by the GIGABYTE PILOT. GIGABYTE’s ADCU is not only ideal for self-driving cars, it may also be used by autonomous vessels, heavy machinery, and AMRs in various sectors.
Benefit #3: Rugged and Reliable Design for Long-Term Operations
GIGABYTE PILOT: A Reliable, Flexible, Modularized Multi-Functional Platform for Autonomous Vehicles, Vessels, Heavy Machinery, and AMRs
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# ADAS (Advanced Driver Assistance Systems)
# 5G
# Deep Learning (DL)
# Computer Vision
# Cloud Computing
# IIoT
# Industrial Automation
# Telematics
# V2X
# Can Bus
# Artificial Intelligence (AI)
# Data Center
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