Computer Vision

  • What is it?
    Simply put, computer vision is the field of science that deals with how computers and servers understand and extract data from still images or video footage. What comes naturally to humans—recognizing a familiar face despite a different hairstyle or makeup, understanding a written note despite the sloppy handwriting, detecting obstacles on the road even in bad weather—used to be quite challenging for computers. Now, with computer vision, computers are able to understand what they "see"—that is, they are able to process data presented to them in graphical form.

    It should be noted that the term "computer vision" is sometimes used interchangeably with "machine vision". While the two phrases refer to similar concepts, "computer vision" is the umbrella term that covers how computers extract information from pictures and videos; "machine vision" is more focused on how the machines used in industry or production put "computer vision" into practice in applications such as process control and automatic inspection.

  • Why do you need it?
    Computer vision—and by extension, machine vision—are already being used in a wide range of vertical markets. Especially when paired with artificial intelligence that can constantly enhance the accuracy with machine learning and deep learning, computer vision can help human workers perform more efficiently in mundane tasks, such as manning security checkpoints or sorting mail in logistics centers; it can change the way we travel with intelligent, self-driving cars and smart tolling systems; and it can help us lead longer, healthier lives when used in smart medicine solutions that can discern signs of disease faster and more accurately. The possibilities are endless: if you have a task that relies on human perception and cognition, chances are, a pair of computer "eyes" can help produce better results.

  • How is GIGABYTE helpful?
    One of the key products used in the development of modern computer vision applications is the GPU (or more accurately, GPGPU), which is ideally suited for processing data that's in graphical form. Computers powered by the most advanced GPUs can run or develop computer vision models for manufacturing, transport and logistics, healthcare, education, and entertainment purposes. GIGABYTE's G-Series GPU Servers, which offer scalable and highly dense GPU designs, have been used by clients to create computer vision-related solutions. Case in point: an Israeli developer of autonomous driving technology uses GIGABYTE G291-281 to build the brain of autonomous vehicles; a French geosciences research company uses GIGABYTE's GPU Servers to perform geophysical data imaging and seismic data analyses that help oil and gas companies determine the most suitable drilling locations.

    Other computer vision-related case studies include a North American logistics giant, which purchased a customized GIGABYTE server powered by the MD50-LS0 Server Motherboard to automatically read addresses and sort packages in its smart distribution center; and various elementary schools in New Taipei, which deployed GIGABYTE's AI-based facial recognition solutions in libraries to help students check out books without library cards.

    To Harness Generative AI, You Must Learn About “Training” & “Inference”

    Tech Guide

    To Harness Generative AI, You Must Learn About “Training” & “Inference”

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must be familiar with the “magic” of generative AI: how chatbots like ChatGPT can compose anything from love letters to sonnets, and how text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion can render art based on text prompts. The truth is, generative AI is not only easy to make sense of, but also a cinch to work with. In our latest Tech Guide, we dissect the “training” and “inference” processes behind generative AI, and we recommend total solutions from GIGABYTE Technology that’ll enable you to harness its full potential.
    GIGABYTE PILOT: The Autonomous-Driving Control Unit at the Heart of Taiwan’s First Self-Driving Bus

    Success Case

    GIGABYTE PILOT: The Autonomous-Driving Control Unit at the Heart of Taiwan’s First Self-Driving Bus

    Developed by the Automotive Research Testing Center (ARTC), the WinBus is Taiwan’s first self-driving electric bus that has reached SAE Level 4 Driving Automation. GIGABYTE PILOT, GIGABYTE Technology’s Autonomous-Driving Control Unit (ADCU), is the AI Mobile Edge Computing Platform at the heart of the autonomous vehicle. It provides superb processing power to support the deployment of self-driving AI algorithms, versatile connectivity to act as the hub between onboard sensors and the vehicle control system, and a rugged and reliable design that is ready for long-term operations. GIGABYTE PILOT is the ideal choice for autonomous vehicles, vessels, heavy machinery, and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs).
    Japanese Telco Leader KDDI Invents Immersion Cooling Small Data Center with GIGABYTE

    Success Case

    Japanese Telco Leader KDDI Invents Immersion Cooling Small Data Center with GIGABYTE

    Japanese telco giant KDDI Corporation has invented a new class of data centers that are mobile and eco-friendly. These “container-type immersion cooling small data centers” employ “single-phase immersion cooling” to reduce power consumption by 43% and lower the PUE below 1.07. GIGABYTE Technology drew from its years of experience in the telco sector to provide the R282-Z93 and R182-Z91 Rack Servers for KDDI to use as the management and GPU computing nodes in the data center. KDDI benefits from the servers’ powerful 3rd Gen AMD EPYC™ CPUs, the scalable, high-density configuration of NVIDIA® GPUs in small form factors, and the servers’ optimized compatibility with the liquid-based data center cooling solution. GIGABYTE’s participation in KDDI’s project is in line with GIGABYTE’s long-term CSR and ESG efforts, which are focused on working with global industry leaders to “Upgrade Your Life” with high tech while building a greener, more sustainable environment for our future.
    CPU vs. GPU: Which Processor is Right for You?

    Tech Guide

    CPU vs. GPU: Which Processor is Right for You?

    Besides the central processing unit (CPU), the graphics processing unit (GPU) is also an important part of a high-performing server. Do you know how a GPU works and how it is different from a CPU? Do you know the best way to make them work together to deliver unrivalled processing power? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in server solutions that support the most advanced processors, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will explain the differences between CPUs and GPUs; we will also introduce GIGABYTE products that will help you inject GPU computing into your server rooms and data centers.
    GIGABYTE Meets the


    GIGABYTE Meets the "27Design Studio": How Did AERO Creator Laptop Enchant the Animation Studio That Won Golden Melody Awards and Worked for Walt Disney?

    This year, Lin once again worked with GIGABYTE AERO Laptop, to collaborate on completing a feature showcase video project, in which people can see the reviews and feedback on the latest AERO Laptop from a filmmaking professional behind the scenes.
    What is Big Data, and How Can You Benefit from It?

    Tech Guide

    What is Big Data, and How Can You Benefit from It?

    You may be familiar with the term, “big data”, but how firm is your grasp of the concept? Have you heard of the “5 V’s” of big data? Can you recite the “Three Fundamental Steps” of how to use big data? Most importantly, do you know how to reap the benefits through the use of the right tools? GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance server solutions, is pleased to present our latest Tech Guide. We will walk you through the basics of big data, explain why it boasts unlimited potential, and finally delve into the GIGABYTE products that will help you ride high on the most exciting wave to sweep over the IT sector.
    Mengatur dengan Langsung Catatan: Apa itu HPC? Panduan Teknis oleh GIGABYTE

    Tech Guide

    Mengatur dengan Langsung Catatan: Apa itu HPC? Panduan Teknis oleh GIGABYTE

    HPC: Supercomputing Menjadi Dapat Diakses dan Dapat Dicapai