GIGABYTE’s ARM Server Boosts Development of Smart Traffic Solution by 200%
A team of scientists at NTU has adopted GIGABYTE’s G242-P32 server and the Arm HPC Developer Kit to incubate a “high-precision traffic flow model”—a smart traffic solution that can be used to test autonomous vehicles and identify accident-prone road sections for immediate redress. The ARM-based solution gives the project a 200% boost in efficiency, thanks to the cloud-native processor architecture that “speaks” the same coding language as the roadside sensors, the high number of CPU cores that excel at parallel computing, the synergy with GPUs that enable heterogeneous computing, and the ISO certifications which make the resulting model easily deployable for automakers and government regulators alike.

Benefit #1: Cloud-native ARM Processors Based on the RISC Architecture

At the heart of the Arm HPC DevKit is the GIGABYTE G242-P32. This 2U GPU Server is powered by a single Ampere® Altra® Processor, which is a cloud-native ARM CPU that follows the same ISA as most mobile and edge devices. This drastically improves the efficiency of developing computer models or programs which can be used outside of conventional data centers—such as the roads and highways of Taiwan.
Benefit #2: An Incredibly High Core Count that’s Ideal for Parallel Computing
Benefit #3: Powerful GPUs and High-Bandwidth Memory

Data collected by roadside sensors are sent back to the NTU lab for comparison, calibration, and compilation. Dr. Shih’s team employs a method known as heterogeneous computing to achieve optimal synergy between the CPU and the GPUs, so they can develop the “high-precision traffic flow model” more efficiently.
Benefit #4: Adherence to ISO 26262 Makes ARM Solutions Easier to Deploy
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