Data Center | 資料中心

  • 資料中心是什麼?
    資料中心(Data Center)是容納組織中IT設備的設施,包括伺服器、儲存、網路設備 (如交換機、路由器和防火牆),以及組織和連接設備所需的機架和佈線。


    2005年美國國家標準協會(ANSI)和電信工業協會(TIA)發佈了 ANSI/TIA-942的準則「資料中心電信基礎設施標準」,根據不同級別的可靠性或彈性定義了四種層級的資料中心。例如,第 1 級資料中心只不過是一個小型伺服器機房,而第 4 層資料中心則提供高可靠度和高安全性。

    How to Build Your Data Center with GIGABYTE? A Free Downloadable Tech Guide

  • 你為什麼需要它?
    幾乎所有現代企業的核心業務和日常營運都需要 IT 系統和運算能力來支援,以及儲存、管理和分析他們每天收集的大量數據。 將這些系統及設備集中在一起, 可簡化管理和提升基礎設施效率,以實現更好的可靠性和安全性。

    根據自身情況和要求,組織可以選擇建立和運行自己的資料中心,也可將伺服器設備安置在第三方管理和運營的資料中心「主機代管資料中心」,或將其所有 IT 運營設備和基礎架構外包給第三方供應商「雲端運算」。

  • 技嘉的特色
    GIGABYTE 是全球資料中心的伺服器硬體領先供應商,包括一些涉及 HPC(高效能運算)、雲端和網路託管服務的大公司。

    產品系列包括支援多種 CPU 平台的標準 19"機架伺服器系統(如英特爾Xeon、AMD EYPC 和 ARM)以及 21" OCP 開放機架標準相容系統(Data Center - OCP),基於開放原始碼的設計準則,GIGABYTE致力於創建更高效、更靈活、更具可擴充性的資料中心硬體。

    GIGABYTE 也與多家資料中心液體冷卻基礎架構的夥伴合作,幫助客戶改進其資料中心的電力使用效率和降低功耗,包括開發兼容的產品和direct-to-chip的液體冷却解决方案(液變液和液變氣),第一階段為油浸式冷卻,第二階段則是浸沒式液冷系統

    Advanced Cooling Solutions先進散熱方案
    GIGABYTE AI伺服器為人工智慧加速無限可能

    Czech’s biggest search engine builds infrastructure on top of GIGABYTE solutions

    Success Case

    Czech’s biggest search engine builds infrastructure on top of GIGABYTE solutions

    Seznam, a major player in the Czech Republic internet market, in a search to upgrade its hardware infrastructure, found in GIGABYTE the ideal hardware solution partner to increase scalability and performance of its online services, resulting in major improvements in efficiency.
    How to Benefit from AI  In the Healthcare & Medical Industry

    AI & AIoT

    How to Benefit from AI In the Healthcare & Medical Industry

    If you work in healthcare and medicine, take some minutes to browse our in-depth analysis on how artificial intelligence has brought new opportunities to this sector, and what tools you can use to benefit from them. This article is part of GIGABYTE Technology’s ongoing “Power of AI” series, which examines the latest AI trends and elaborates on how industry leaders can come out on top of this invigorating paradigm shift.
    How to Pick the Right Server for AI? Part Two: Memory, Storage, and More

    Tech Guide

    How to Pick the Right Server for AI? Part Two: Memory, Storage, and More

    The proliferation of tools and services empowered by artificial intelligence has made the procurement of “AI servers” a priority for organizations big and small. In Part Two of GIGABYTE Technology’s Tech Guide on choosing an AI server, we look at six other vital components besides the CPU and GPU that can transform your server into a supercomputing powerhouse.
    How to Pick the Right Server for AI? Part One: CPU & GPU

    Tech Guide

    How to Pick the Right Server for AI? Part One: CPU & GPU

    With the advent of generative AI and other practical applications of artificial intelligence, the procurement of “AI servers” has become a priority for industries ranging from automotive to healthcare, and for academic and public institutions alike. In GIGABYTE Technology’s latest Tech Guide, we take you step by step through the eight key components of an AI server, starting with the two most important building blocks: CPU and GPU. Picking the right processors will jumpstart your supercomputing platform and expedite your AI-related computing workloads.
    10 Frequently Asked Questions about Artificial Intelligence

    AI & AIoT

    10 Frequently Asked Questions about Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence. The world is abuzz with its name, yet how much do you know about this exciting new trend that is reshaping our world and history? Fret not, friends; GIGABYTE Technology has got you covered. Here is what you need to know about the ins and outs of AI, presented in 10 bite-sized Q and A’s that are fast to read and easy to digest!
    How to Benefit from AI in the Automotive & Transportation Industry

    AI & AIoT

    How to Benefit from AI in the Automotive & Transportation Industry

    If you work in the automotive and transportation industry, spend a few minutes to read our in-depth analysis of how artificial intelligence has created new opportunities in this sector, and what tools you can use to get ahead. This article is part of GIGABYTE Technology’s ongoing “Power of AI” series, which examines the latest AI-related trends, and how intrepid visionaries can reap the benefits of this exciting paradigm shift.
    How to Pick a Cooling Solution for Your Servers? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

    Tech Guide

    How to Pick a Cooling Solution for Your Servers? A Tech Guide by GIGABYTE

    As CPUs and GPUs continue to advance, they consume more power and generate more heat. It is vital to keep temperature control in mind when purchasing servers. A good cooling solution keeps things running smoothly without hiking up the energy bill or requiring persistent maintenance. GIGABYTE Technology, an industry leader in high-performance servers, presents this Tech Guide to help you choose a suitable cooling solution. We analyze three popular options—air, liquid, immersion—and demonstrate what GIGABYTE can do for you.
    To Harness Generative AI, You Must Learn About “Training” & “Inference”

    Tech Guide

    To Harness Generative AI, You Must Learn About “Training” & “Inference”

    Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you must be familiar with the “magic” of generative AI: how chatbots like ChatGPT can compose anything from love letters to sonnets, and how text-to-image models like Stable Diffusion can render art based on text prompts. The truth is, generative AI is not only easy to make sense of, but also a cinch to work with. In our latest Tech Guide, we dissect the “training” and “inference” processes behind generative AI, and we recommend total solutions from GIGABYTE Technology that’ll enable you to harness its full potential.